by Chinthala Vijaya Kumar



CBSE CLASS 12 COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) LAB MANUAL PROGRAMS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-24.LIST OF PROGRAMS:Program 1: Program to enter two numbers and print the arithmetic operations like +,-,*, /, // and %.Program 2: Write a program to find whether an inputted number is perfect or not.Program 3: Write a Program to check if the entered number is Armstrong or not.Program 4: Write a Program to find factorial of the entered number.Program 5: Write a Program to enter the number of terms and to print the Fibonacci Series.Program 6: Write a Program to enter the string and to check if it’s palindrome or not using loop.Program 7: Write a program that generates a series using a function while takes first and last values of the series and then generates four terms that are equidistant e.g., if two number passed are 1 and 7 then function returns 1 3 5 7Program 8: Read a file line by line and print it.Program 9: Remove all the lines that contain the character “a” in a file and write it into another file.Program 10 Read a text file and display the number of vowels/consonants/uppercase/lowercase characters in the file.Program 11 Create a binary file with name and roll no. Search for a given roll number and display the name, if not found display appropriate message.Program 12 Write a random number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6(simulates a dice)Program 13 Write a python program to implement a stack using a list data structure.Program 14 Take a sample of ten phishing e-mails (or any text file) and find most commonly occurring words.Program 15 Read a text file line by line and display each word separated by a #Program 16 Create a student table and insert data. Implement the following SQL commands on the student table:ALTER table to add new attributes / modify data type / drop attributeUPDATE table to modify dataORDER By to display data in ascending / descending orderDELETE to remove tuple(s)GROUP BY and find the min, max, sum, count and averageProgram 17:Integrate SQL with Python by importing the MySQL moduleProgram 18:Integrate SQL with Python by importing the pymysql module